Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Reality of leaving Delphi

So it is my last night at the good ol’ Delphi Lodge. It is 1 am in the morning, I am lying in bed with my new dog YoYo asleep by the door, but I can’t seem to sleep. I think it is the excitement of what lies ahead and the sadness of leaving a place that reminds me of home. The last few nights I have been dining with the owner and his family, which grows daily as his parents, brothers, nieces, and nephews all arrive. The main entertainment is just what it would be at home, lots of good wine, food, and conversation. The mains the last 3 nights have been leg of lamb, mussels, and shepherd’s pie. All meals conclude with great desserts and for a first time in my life a cheese course. It seems a little strange to finish a meal with cheese but it was very nice. I must say I like this is one of the many reasons that I enjoy dining with the Irish. It is an experience in its self. We start out with drinks in the lounge, move to the dining room for starters, the main, dessert, and then the cheese course. All is filled with lots of fun and light conversations and a glass of wine or five. Couch surfing, how it works, and my experiences has been a big hit. Finally after dinner we move to the library for more conversations, a night cap, and coffee. They take their time and enjoy all the courses and time they have together. It is truly a dining experience I will never forget, and if I get the chance I will take it home with me. We agreed that I am adopting them as my interim family this holiday season. It is made even more official by my new dog. YoYo is a black lab that is about 10 months old. She’ll play fetch with you all day and bring every stick in the yard to your feet. She is energetic and an extremely lovable dog. She has been my shadow for the last week or so and Jane, the owner’s wife thinks the dog is going to have depression when I leave tomorrow. The dog even managed to open the gate, and come across the road to my cottage yesterday as I was doing laundry. I have taught her how to sit, and tried stay, rather unsuccessfully. Tonight she is sleeping by my door just as my lab at home would be if I were there. As is the case with my travels so far, I am excited to leave for the not knowing what will happen next thrills, but sad to leave a place that is so comforting and fun. My six weeks has flown by. I have netted hundreds of salmon, stripped 3, and had countless memories. Delphi Lodge is one place I will visit again. So next it is on to Galway to cook Christmas dinner for my friends. The turkey and ham is in the refridge. I have to get up early in the morning to finish my laundry, pack my bags, and clean the cottage I have made home. No doubt I will be rushed to catch my bus as I never finish early. I also have to buy Matt some oysters and Guinness to celebrate him turning 23 on Friday the 21st of December. I am excited, and as I drift off to sleep I can’t help but get excited about the days ahead, Norway, the UK, Spain, and all the unknowns that make it all worth it! G’night and Cheers!

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