Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's official

So today marks the completion of my first week as an Ice cream man. It's been great so far and it is adding some great padding to my bank account as I prepare to move to Ireland and Britain for the next year. Who would have thought that an ad in the Daily Iowan stating "Ice Cream Sampler Wanted" Would turn out to be such a great job. I am officially the Ambassador of Fun for Edy's Ice Cream. I go around the state of Iowa and into Chicago to hand out samples of Edy's Slow Churned Ice Cream(It has half the Fat and a third the calories of regular Ice cream) and Edy's Dibs(the next great thing in ice cream snacks). It is a great gig because the company has international ties and who doesn't like free ice cream.

Moving to Ireland is official as it can be for right now. My friend Matt and I booked our tickets. We will go to DC on the 3rd of September for a day and then head for Dublin on the 4th. We should arrive about noon on the fifth. Booking a one way ticket is a great feeling. Now I have to get my work visa and I will be set. No word on a job or where I will be living.

Well it's back to work for me so that I can pay off some debt and save a little $ for the big move. It's a nervous and exciting feeling all at once!

1 comment:

matthew d kyhnn said...

I thought they were called Dibs, not Dips. Shows what individual with a driving record like myself would know!