Friday, August 24, 2007

The homeless life.

So as July ended so did having an apartment. Luckily I have been traveling with Edy’s and the ice cream mobile and haven’t needed a place all that often. I have gotten to see a lot of Iowa and had a great time. I have also found that the amenities at a hotel can really add to the enjoyment of the stay. I got to barbeque while staying at a Hampton Inn and it almost felt like I was at home. The whole traveling has been a lot of fun and when I have been back in IC, I have just crashed on friends couches or headed back to Monticello to see my family. It wasn’t until about a week ago that I needed an actual place to stay. This is when I dusted off the ol’camper and headed towards the Coralville Res. Matt and I booked a spot for two weeks which will take us up to the time we need to leave. Stop out and say hi if you wish, we are the ones with quality flare around our 34 foot residence. The flower stung up in the tree, pink flower pinwheel, and Floyd the flounder on the picnic table should set us off. At $16 per night it is a great set up. With the assistance of my brother’s trusty tailgating grill(the grill has over 10,000 miles on it!) we have been eating great meals and living the high life! Hard to believe in 10 days I’ll be starting my journey across the drink! Matt and I fly out of Chicago Labor Day and are going to spend a day in DC before heading over to Ireland. Check out Matt’s blog too at It’s getting really close now and the excitement just keeps building.

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