Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Days in Dublin

Day 1: So it’s finally a reality. I have made it to Ireland! We landed about noon local time and got our bag which was a bit of a relief, we had 3 plane changes and London has one of the worst track records for losing luggage. All went well we got our bags, caught a bus and in about 30 minutes were at the city centre. Our Hostel was about a 15 minute walk from here. We stopped by the Temple Bar in temple bar district. Our first pints went down quit well and we ended up meeting another American that had taken his student loan and was backpacking Europe. The black stuff (Guinness) is easy to drink, mostly I think because the locals are so friendly. After heading back to the hostel to get caught up on some sleep I went out for another pint or two. It is outrageous that the pints are average 5 Euro’s. I don’t even want to do the conversions. After enjoying some live Irish music I called It a night. Back to the hostel where I have to share my room with 8 others, one whom is German and snores lightly. More to come when a few sights have been viewed

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