Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Day 3. So today was a pretty relaxed day. I woke up about 12:30 and headed down to the commons where I started work on my CV (Europe’s resume). I needed to add my Ambassador position and Skybox as previous bar experience is quit necessary here in Ireland. As for finding a place to live we have to wait until Wed. because a list comes out with all the flats available. I’ve heard the line starts forming about an hour before it is released. I submitted my CV to a company called face2face fundraising. They would send me around Ireland trying to raise awareness and funds for various non-profit organizations. Pay is great and I wouldn’t have to rent a flat which would save me a bundle. Now the question is do Matt and I try and rent a flat or do we bank on getting these traveling jobs. That’s something we are going decide first thing tomorrow. As for dinner went we attempted cooking for the first time in a hostel, which was crazy. There are tons of people fighting for burners and pans. As for the cuisine, Penne pasta, lasagna sauce, black pudding, and white pudding (that’s blood and bloodless sausage). We had attempted to go to 3 pubs each which had just quit serving food. Of course we didn’t find this out until after we had ordered our pints. After dinner I hit the hay in hopes that I can get a few things accomplished tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll hear back from face2face and I still need to get my PPS (SS#) so the Irish government can tax me!

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