Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Missing civilization

So not too much is new. I caught a ride in to Westport yesterday to enjoy civilization for a while which is always a good thing. I haven’t been lonely but it is amazing how being stuck in one place for extended periods of time can really affect a person. I mostly just ran errands and stopped at the pub for a couple pints. I watched with the locals as the new budget was read on the telly (TV). Cigarettes went up 30 cents a pack but alcohol and petro stayed the same. Everyone seemed pretty content with what they heard. The worst news was they are going to up the tax on vehicles based on their emissions. After that I caught a ride home with Sarah, David my boss’s wife. They met at Delphi Lodge 15 years ago. She came from Australia to work and never left. She travelled as I am now doing and said it was great, but living in a different country then your family can be tough. I would agree. My next set of travel plans are now booked thanks to my travel agent, Matt Kyhnn. He has to take care of everything online right now as ours is still down at the lodge. The plans are to head to Norway from Dublin on December 26th, then head to the UK on the 30th. I don’t know anything about Norway but why not. It should be a great time. Now we just have to figure when we are heading to Spain to see our friend Cat from college and things will be grand. I am really excited to hit the road again!
Today we caught 30 salmon and the temporary office arrived. It reminded me of living in the camper during August. Ahh the good times of sunny, humid, Iowa weather. It has been rainy and windy all week. On the bright side the insurance company cleared the building and are now going to send a specialist to see if it was lightning that caused it. We took inventory or all the gear and now have to get prices on replacements. I can’t wait to get my new rain gear; I’m tired of getting soaked all the time. Well it’s off to bed for me, I have to work in about 7 hours. Peace out!

1 comment: said...

Brian, it seems as if you too are getting restless for the road! I have asked Matthew for a photo of your haircut but no luck. Did you cross that off of your "to-do" list? Your job sounds interesting and I am sure you are in a beautiful location.

Thinking of you...Thea